
Bargain of the week

I never really cared much for blankets before I had children...it's funny how things change! Now i'm all about snuggly moments with the kids on the sofa and keeping their toes nice and cosy. Because we do a fair bit of travelling as a family and we tend to travel at night as it makes the journeys much easier for Noah, I always like to be prepared for the cold air with lots of fluffy blankets to hand. Obviously, with a newborn in toe, it's all the more essential when moving Jonah out into the chilly air and into the car!
I was in Matalan this week and I found this beautiful fluffy blanket with a bird pattern all over. It's a really pretty blue colour and I thought it would be perfect for the boys. Noah immediately grabbed it when I got home and settled himself on the sofa with his cartoons and new blanket to snuggle. 

What really sold me on this blanket was the price- at £5 it was hard to say no to. These blankets are so easy to collect and, as the family grows, the more we have the better! If you're on the hunt, Primark also do great value for money blankets-I have picked up some of theirs on more than one occasion! 

The sizes of these blankets are also really generous. Because of that, I especially like to take these with us on our summer camping holidays as they keep everyone nice and warm and fold up small enough so as to only require minimal room in the ever shrinking space of our car boot!

I hope you're all having a lovely day!


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