
This week in pictures

Hello lovelies! I hope everyone has had a restful weekend. 
I'm sharing a mix of photos from my instagram account this week. As we are starting to find a new rhythm with the babies and our new family dynamic, I've managed to surprise myself with being able to find a few minutes here and there to catch up on some photography and blogging. This first collage was a bit of fun I had coming up with some new blog ideas and channelling inspiration for the week ahead. 

Another 'first' this week was my being at home by myself with the children. I know I mentioned this in a previous post and, to some it may even seem like no big deal at all. However, I was really proud of myself for getting through that particular day. I think it's one of those little milestones in parenting that is always going to be a bit scary, I was even aware of psyching myself up mentally the night before. The truth is that sometimes you have to just throw yourself in the deep and and swim! Yes I was nervous about keeping my toddler safe when my hands were busy with Jonah but I know I'm not the first mother to experience this and I certainly won't be the last!

Finally, this last collage was a bit of fun. Trying to get into a better 'healthy eating' regimen lately had me getting a bit more creative in the kitchen. I also gave into the 'shameless selfie' as I was trying on some clothes the other day. I found myself missing my big pregnant bump, here one day and gone the next! 

I wish you all a lovely week ahead,

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