
19 weeks pregnant

Good afternoon everyone! I cannot believe we are nearly half way through this pregnancy now, just one more week! This past week has been a bit tricky as I hit a bit of a wall with exhaustion at the weekend. On Saturday morning, I seriously struggled to stay on my feet. Without any need to exaggerate, I honestly felt so worn out and had no energy to do anything. It was a bit of a miserable day, but thankfully things picked up hugely after sunday. Eddy was amazing though and took care of Noah for the whole day so I could catch up on some sleep. 
So, to summarise this week, I think the biggest thing for me has been tiredness cranking up a notch or two! Im feeling much better in general than I did at the weekend, but i'm not going to lie, I'm pretty much a goner once it gets to dinnertime these days!

How far along? 19 weeks!

Total weight gain/measurements: I weighed myself this morning and I've gained a pound this week which makes my total weight gain 8lbs so far.
My measurements are: waist 28", tummy 37", hips, 37". My tummy is getting well beyond the whole "she's gained a bit of weight" region, I'm pretty certain I actually look pregnant now, regardless of what I wear!

Maternity clothes: Always on the look out! I got some dresses back from my sister this week which I leant her while she was expecting. They are so full of memories from my pregnancy with Noah so it was nice getting to try them on again.

Stretch marks: No new ones

Sleep: Increasingly more difficult as I am starting to get quite uncomfortable. It's really hot as well at the moment which doesn't really help, but I don't want to complain about the lovely sunshine we still have!

Best moment this week: Feeling the baby kick and Noah's obsession with my tummy.

Miss anything? I do miss being able to do a thorough work out because mentally it gave me such a confidence boost and I use to really enjoy it. We've started going back to the gym this week, but I've just been doing some swimming and i'll probably stick to some gentle walking on the treadmills if I actually use the gym area.

Movement: Definitely started feeling a few squirms and kicks this week. I wouldn't say they feel like the ninja kicks I remember late in my pregnancy with Noah. These are very light and feel more like gentle pressure changes. I can only really feel them when I stop and sit still for a while, or when I'm in bed for example. They are as light as a heartbeat, but I was definitely able to differentiate them from food/tummy noises this week. It's very exciting though because now I can monitor them and it just gives you such reassurance that everything is okay.

Food cravings: Still stuck on loving salty things...but nothing major really.

Anything making you feel queasy or sick? Not really.

Gender? Two weeks till we find out!

Labour signs: Nope!

Symptoms: Like last week, a lot of tiredness and dizzy spells. As I said before, these really seemed to heighten at the weekend and we didn't even make it to church on sunday as I was pretty close to passing out! I suspect it's all related to my blood pressure or possibly an iron deficiency. Apart from that, everything else seems to be going well. My skin has really cleared up on my face which is so nice now it's back to normal.

Belly button in or out? In!

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!

Looking forward to: Starting a pregnancy work out class tomorrow- should be fun!

That is pretty much everything for this week's update, I hope it wasn't too much of a moan! Don't forget to check in next week for my milestone halfway update!

Love Bunty


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