
20 weeks pregnant- halfway milestone!

Ahhh! I cannot believe how quickly the weeks are passing and that we are now half way through this pregnancy already. This last week in particular has just disappeared. We have been quite busy with seeing family and spending a few days in Whitstable with some of Eddy's brothers and a good friend, and so I haven't really been on top of measuring or 'weighing in' this week- I bet there will be a bit of a climb next week!

How far along? 20 weeks

Total weight gain/ measurements: We have been staying with friends at the moment so I have not had a chance to check.

Maternity clothes: Yes, a firm yes!

Stretch marks? No new ones, but this week my tummy has started itching like it did last time round. I'm just keeping it lathered in oil and cream to keep the itchiness at bay as apparently the more you itch, the more likely you will end up with stretch marks! 

Sleep? Noah has been a bit wakeful at night this week which has made sleep a bit rough all round, but I guess if nothing else, it's all good preparation for baby #2. 
Also, I keep falling asleep on my back which is a massive no no for pregnant women, oops! I find big pillows do help keep me in position and comfy during the night so I'm just trying to get used to sleeping on my side again... it's definitely not my favourite position though. :( 

Best moment this week? Having a couple of days away with friends has been really nice actually. Sometimes it's just nice to have a break from the running of the home! I took myself off around the Highstreet in Whitstable yesterday which is a woman's shopping heaven! It is full of independent businesses which are mainly home decor shops, boutiques and childrens clothing shops. One happened to have the most beautiful little girls tutu's I have ever seen and I was sorely tempted...but we still don't know what we are having so I had to restrain myself. Haha!

Miss anything? Not really.

Movement: I'm feeling movement everyday now which is awesome. I have found myself really thinking more about this baby this last week and I think it's just because I keep getting these little fluttery reminders that he or she is busy inside me. It might sound mean or unfair, but when I am chasing after a toddler 24/7, I just don't have the time to daydream about this unborn baby as much as I could with Noah. However, feeling lots of movement this week has definitely got me excited to do my first baby haul for this one. I think I'll hold out until we find out the sex, and then just try and stop me! 

Food cravings? None really this week.

Anything making you feel queasy or sick? Not really. I am getting heartburn now, but it's nothing that a couple of Rennes doesn't resolve!

Gender? Still don't know...I'm getting very excited about finding out next week though, this is getting very real all of a sudden!

Labour signs? Nothing!

Symptoms: I think the tiredness is here to stay for the foreseeable, so I'm not going to winge about that this week. I have been quite up and down in my moods though, which isn't really like me normally. Really little things seem to be upsetting me or making me feel anxious and I just know I'm not reacting like I normally would. I hate blaming hormones for behaviour...but I think they are partly related. I have a real sense of not being quite in control of how I'm going to feel. Crazy woman!

Belly button in or out? In!

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or moody most of the time? A real mix this week...I don't like displaying my emotions to the whole world, but I would be lying if I said I've not been a bit of a hormonal roller coaster this week. Thank goodness Eddy is so good about it, I think he just knows this phase will pass and there's never much of an issue that a warm hug and a nice cup of tea won't sort!

Looking forward to: I think I've been saying this for the last few weeks, but finding out the gender is on my mind all the time now. We find out next week and I know, for me it really marks a turning point in pregnancy just by helping me to mentally prepare for birth. There's something so special about knowing something so huge about his or her identity already.

That's everything for this week's update...don't forget to check in next week for my 21 week update where, fingers crossed, we will have a surprise gender reveal for you all! Woop woop!

Love Bunty

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