
Lush baths

As of late, bathing has become a real addiction for me. The way hot water can relieve tired aches and pains and make you feel light as a feather (if just for a short time) is so soothing and calming. I look forward to having a long hot bath every night at the moment because it really helps me unwind and get in a good frame of mind for peaceful sleep.
By the end of the day I feel completely wrecked- don't worry, I'm not about to run through a list of complaints here- but suffice it to say that hot baths are the only way I find I can get completely comfortable and pain free and they just work for me!

Over the last few months I have really come to love Lush bath products and they are now a solid part of my evening routine! There is something so wonderful about their variable scents, textures and colours that makes each bath a new experience of relaxation. I am gradually working my way through most of their bath fizzes, bombs, melts and bubbles and I still can't get enough! I also love the many designs and the thought and creativity that has gone into producing each product. I mean, don't they just look good enough to eat?!

Does anyone else have a bit of a Lush obsession like me? :p

Happy weekend all!
Love Bunty


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