
Third trimester survival kit!

Hey guys, I put a post together a few months ago detailing what I considered to be my second trimester survival kit essentials. Being that I am almost at the end of this pregnancy, I thought it would be fun to 'curate' my third trimester survival kit and the items that I have relied on to make this stage of pregnancy as comfortable as possible.

Pregnancy pillow: This was a fairly recent purchase which I love because it is very versatile. It can be used during pregnancy to support limbs and bump during sleep and it can also be used to help support you or the baby when feeding. You can also use it to cushion the baby when learning to sit by themselves or just as a prop if you want to lie them down but at an angle. I know I'm going to get plenty of use out of this and I already am so it is definitely in my third trimester survival kit!

Water: This might seem random, but I have to constantly remind myself to down several pints a day to keep myself feeling well. I find the more I drink, the less swollen I am, the better my skin is and the more energy I have. Obviously, this applies to anyone whether pregnant or not, but drinking lots of water does have a really positive influence both physically and mentally.

Comfy slippers/ dressing gown: There is nothing quite like being able to snuggle up in a comfy dressing gown at the end of the day. I recently bought a big fluffy pink one for my hospital stay and to use after too. I never feel quite comfortable wandering the ward corridors in just pyjamas, so it's nice to have something else to cover up in. The same goes for comfy slippers- you don't really want to be wandering around a hospital in bare feet, so slippers are a must!

Lush baths: I did a post on my new obsession with Lush baths the other day and, on reflection, they really have been a massive help in this final trimester of pregnancy. Hot baths have really helped me combat some of my more recent pregnancy symptoms and the aromas of Lush products  are just so indulgent and relaxing. They are a must for my survival kit- pregnant or not!

Bio-oil: Possibly the biggest unsung hero for pregnancy skin. I have mentioned this product before but I always feel it doesn't quite get the recognition it deserves. Although I have used this oil through my whole pregnancy, I have really been relying on it in these final weeks where my tummy has felt tight and itchy. It's no joke how stretched your tummy becomes to accommodate a pregnancy and it's actually pretty miraculous that it can stretch so far. However this can take quite a toll on your skin so I like to keep mine as hydrated as possible. Again water is essential, but I find when it is really itchy and uncomfortable, Bio-oil always saves the day!

Those are the items that stand out to me as the most necessary in this final trimester. I think they have all played their parts well and I know I will continue using most, if not all of these items post pregnancy too. I hope this might inspire any other expectant mums out there. I'd love to know what you would put in your 'pregnancy survival kits', so do let me know! :)

Happy Sunday all,
Love Bunty


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