
Thank you!

I have really discovered a passion for blogging since I began BuntyLiving at the start of this year. It quickly became an outlet for me to think creatively and also motivated me to do more things around the home. Although I have loved reading blogs for much longer than I have blogged myself, when I first started thinking about setting up my own blog at the end of last year, I also began to think I could never do this. I went round in circles thinking to myself I'm not very photogenic, my life isn't glamorous enough and, quite frankly, who would want to read about anything I do, when there are so many people out there who have way more exciting things to blog about than me?

I think we all have similar thoughts about ourselves from time to time and it is so easy to feel out of our depth. In terms of blogging, there are some amazing people out there who do it for a living and they have the most beautiful photographs, continuous uploads throughout the day and a whole team around them producing content for their blog. I mean, what a blue sky thought for Bunty Living!?

Yet, I do feel time has been my friend since I have begun blogging. It has taken time to find a sense of identity and purpose and to settle into a rhythm, I guess it's a bit of a journey, if you will. It is always a step into the unknown when you put your first posts out there to be read, scrutinised and open to any sort of comment. Quite frankly, it can be scary! Any bloggers will remember this feeling and may still feel nervous by it! I know I do! But it's brought out a confidence in myself that I have never really acknowledged before. Knowing that my blog is bringing a bit of happiness to someone's day is all I ever really wanted to achieve and so I am really thankful that already people are being so wonderfully supportive.

I have found something that I love doing and I just want to continue to share it with new readers. If you happen to be reading this, then I just want to say a great big thank you! You don't know how much your readership means to me. I hope you stay with BuntyLiving and continue to enjoy all the wonderful parts of life my family and I want to share with you.

Love Bunty


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