
Liebster Award

Three days ago I was selected for the liebster award by India Smith over at her lovely blog Extraordinarily Average. The Liebster award is an internet blog award which is passed along to new bloggers with a following of under 200. It is a positive way to expose new and inspiring blogs and to connect with other bloggers out there.

To accept the award bloggers need to:

  • Post the award on your blog
  • Thank your nominator and link back to their blog
  • Write 11 random facts about yourself 
  • Answer the 11 questions that were prepared for you by the nominator
  • Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and have under 200 followers
  • Create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer
  • List these rules in your post

  • Inform the people/blogs that you chose of the nomination for the Liebster Award and provide a link for them to your post so they can learn about it.

Here are my 11 random facts:

1) I like to be the first one up in the morning in our home.
2)I Never ever EVER go to bed without fully taking off my makeup and brushing my teeth...no matter how inconvenient the situation! (OCD)
3)I have never broken a bone before, but I did dislocate my shoulder once!
4)I'm overly susceptible to pressure.
5)I enjoy the housework and take pleasure in keeping my home neat and tidy.
6)I have been married for two years.
7)I have a real weakness for sweet pastries.
8)I grew up playing the violin and piano
9)I have 7 other siblings!
10)I find it much easier to read french than speak it!
11) I have a BA Hons degree in Art History.

Here are my answers to India's questions:

1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I don't honestly know! God willing our family will have grown some more! I just wish for peace, happiness and contentment.

2. Summarize yourself in 3 words
 Blessed, motivated, busy

3. What are you passionate about?
My faith, my family, learning new things

4. If you could live in any era, which would it be?
Probably the Regency era, in the early 19th century. Don't you just love the fashion in Jane Austin fiction?!

5. What do you hope to accomplish through blogging?
A diary of our lives and a resource to share tips, ideas and inspiration with others.

6. What is your favorite childhood memory
I have so many favourites! Holidaying in Ireland, driving through the night to Holyhead to catch the morning ferry across to Dublin...magical!

7. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
I've always dreamed of living in different places temporarily, exploring the world this way. But permanently, England will always be 'home' so I guess here!

8. What is your definition of success?
It changes from day to day! Being content with who I am and what my vocation is. Raising a Godly family will be my greatest success.

9. What are 5 things that you cannot live without?
Obviously, my husband and son, faith, sewing machine, moisturiser, flat sandals!

10. Would you rather be outside or inside? Why?
Outside! There is a whole world to discover! 

11. Do you have a catch phrase? (i.e. seriously, really, shut up) What is it?
Not really, but I do over use words sometimes i.e I always drag out the word 'alllrighht' when soothing Noah...does that count?! ha!

For my selected Liebester award I nominate the following blogs whom I feel deserve recognition: (okay some of mine have slightly more than 200 followers, but they are still well worth knowing about!)

My questions for these bloggers are:

1) How do you cope with daily challenges?
2)What is your treasure?
3)Why did you start a blog?
4)Who influences you the most?
5)What is your favourite memory?
6)What is your favourite book?
7)What 5 things could you not live without?
8)What does home mean to you?
9)Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
10) What has been your greatest achievement in your life so far?

love Bunty


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