
27 weeks pregnant

Hello everyone! First of all, Im sorry this post is a day late! Yesterday was a bit of a write off as between having a poorly baby and playing catch up with the unpacking, the day just seemed to completely vanish! 
Anyway, i'll get cracking with this week's progress. If you have been reading my recent posts, you'll know that we have been visiting Eddy's family this week which has been so nice! We made it home at crazy o' clock on Tuesday night, so we were all feeling pretty wrecked, but it has been a wonderful few days in beautiful Lincoln. 
So, this week I turned 27 weeks pregnant which is slightly scary! I also did my first mini baby shop (really mini- I only bought two items!) but it was such a nostalgic moment for me, it took me right back to when I was expecting Noah all over again...
I'll show you those items in a future post but I better get started on this week's update before this turns into an essay! 

 How far along? 27 weeks!

Total weight gain? This morning I totally forgot to weigh myself, I didn't have much sleep last night so I think i'm excused for forgetting! However, bump is getting rounder so I'm sure the scales will reflect that. I'm definitely not as big as I was last time round though. Comparing photos of my pregnancy around about this time with Noah is quite funny. I'm just thankful that my 'preggo pie-face' is not as distinct this time around.

Sleep: Pretty rubbish actually, I haven't been able to get comfy at all and find my tummy muscles are really achy now. I might have to think about getting a pregnancy pillow for some extra support.

Best moment this week? I think just spending quality time with Eddy's family has been really nice. Because we're not there all the time, it makes it all the more special when we are able to get together.

Miss anything? Being able to bend down to put socks on...yeah, that got crossed off the list this week :S

Movement: Tonnes! He is a strong little lad who, like his brother, loves to wriggle and move and do plenty of somersaults. I had to giggle yesterday when he made me jump from such a violent turn- it won't be long till he's too fat and the space is too cramped in there to put his poor mummy through those paces! 

Food cravings? I had a weird craving for refresher bars the other evening. I am not a 'sweetie' person in the least bit, i've always enjoyed chocolate far more. But someone brought refreshers into the conversation the other night and it was all I could do to not run out of the house and buy a big bag!

Anything making you feel queasey or sick? Not really

Gender? Boy!

Labour signs? Nope

Symptoms: I've been feeling a bit more tired this week but on the whole I don't have any specific symptoms. Crazy hormones are still ruling my logic but other than that, nothing to report!

Belly button in or out? Out!

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy/moody most of the time? Happy!

Looking forward to? Going on Holiday next week! And I'm also really looking forward to Christmas too, how exciting!

That's it for this week's update. I probably won't be able to post next week as we are on holiday, but more on that soon!

Love Bunty


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